PARAFLEX CRAM! 2x12" 35Hz Type O Subwoofer V2
Design Specs
Size LxWxH: 1000mm x 687mm x 368mm
Volume: 253 Litres
Weight: 37KG (Approximate, BB Ply Unloaded)
Operating Specs
Fb: 37Hz
Operating Range: 35Hz-100Hz
Sensitivity: 35Hz-100Hz: 102dB avg 1w@1m
Maximum SPL: 132dB continuous 138dB Peak
Using B&C 12TBX100 12" Driver 1/2 Space @ 1m
Recommended Drivers
B&C 12BG100
B&C 12TBX100
B&C 12NBX100
B&C 12NW100
Beyma 12LEX1300ND
Beyma 12LEX1000FE
Ciare 12.00SW
Faital Pro 12HP1060
Faital Pro 12RS1066
Faital Pro 12XL1200
Lavoce WAN124.01
Lavoce WAF124.01
RCF LF12X401
V2 Update
The PARAFLEX OCRAM 2x12 V2 Update resolves the previous amplitude response dip at 130Hz and improves frequency and phase response to an extended frequency of 180Hz
This fine tuning requires extra care to be taken if using a grille, making the CSA of the mouth any smaller will affect performance, calculate your surface area loss and apply it back to the mouth before covering with a grille. eg: 75% open area will remove 25%, adjust the lower plank width accordingly to maintain the designed CSA

PARAFLEX CRAM! 2x12" 35Hz Type O Subwoofer V2
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